New Client: Bahrain Flour Mills
We are excited to be working on the corporate re-brand for a company who has worked it’s way into our hearts and stomachs from way back when – Bahrain Flour Mills Company!

Company History
Bahrain Flour Mills Company B.S.C. is a Bahraini public shareholding company registered with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in the Kingdom of Bahrain and operates under commercial registration number 1170 obtained on 16 July 1970. The Bahrain Flour Mills Company was incorporated under an Amiri decree dated 9 May 1970 for a period of 50 years. The company commenced commercial operations on 01 May 1972.The principal activities of the company are the import of wheat, the production of wheat flour and related products which are sold to the Bahraini market (where all auto bakeries, hotels, restaurants, super- and hypermarkets rely on it) and to foreign export markets.