Title: 20 Minute Introduction to Mosaic by designer Faiza Saeed

The workshop will cover:

          History of Mosaic

          Technique and process

          Tools and different types of mosaic

          End product options

          Q and A


Event: Teaser workshop on Intro to Mosaic Design


Venue: Al Riwaq

Time and Date: April 4th, 7 – 8 pm

Time duration: 1 hour

To book your spot please email Rawan Bashmi at r.albashmi@gmail.com or Wafa Alobaidat at obaiandhill@live.com. Alternatively call 39329675 or 38882085 to reserve a seat.

For more on Faiza Saeed’s mosaic collection visit http://www.obaiandhill.com/faiza-saeed.php 

Obai and Hill is a design and PR agency that proudly represents Faiza Saeed as one of our clients. Visit our website to know more about services www.obaiandhill.com or LIKE us on facebook ‘’Agency Obai and Hill’’ or follow us on twitter @obaiandhill