Melanie Sarginson: Reiki Bahrain

Reiki is a traditional Japanese healing technique that involves the laying-on of hands in a series of specific hand positions corresponding to the major organs and energy centres in the body.
Acting on a physical, mental and emotional level, Reiki promotes relaxation and inner peace, restores order to the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced and heals a wide range of ailments, from stress to migraines. Reiki works well with other healing modalities for example Reflexology, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Crystal Healing and Homeopathy.
Melanie Sarginson offers Reiki treatments and teaches Reiki in Bahrain in three different systems – Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki and Jikiden Reiki. According to Sarginson, “Anyone can learn to use Reiki. It is very simple. Through an energetic empowerment procedure called an ‘attunement’ the teacher empowers the student to use Reiki for healing of self and others. From that moment on the student has Reiki. It stays with them for life.”
Reiki can help you to discover who you really are as well as enables you to heal yourself and others on a physical and emotional level. The courses offered by Sarginson are wonderfully unique, inspirational and an enlightening journey of self- discovery that can change your life forever. Also, she chooses to run small classes to keep the training more personal. Comprehensive manuals and post-course support are included.
Her treatment room is located on Amwaj island, Bahrain.
For any further information please
Telephone: +973 39330911