Obai and Hill had the pleasure of attending a riveting workshop titled ” Peak Professional Performance” delivered by Kelly Armatage on Tuesday the 1st of April at her consultancy office in Zinj.
Kelly Armatage is an internationally renowned life coach, focused and qualified in providing Counselling, Coaching, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Sessions, Meditation Classes, Self Development Workshops and Corporate Training in Bahrain and globally. Not only is Kelly often booked to speak publicly at events, she also runs Seminars and Workshops that facilitate significant change for attendees on a personal, emotional, professional and spiritual level.
The workshop was customized for the Obai & Hill staff and centered on identifying the agency’s “mighty why” and mission: to become the number one PR agency in the Gulf by the year 2020.
Kelly started the session with an introductory exercise where the team members had to introduce themselves and identify what year of the Chinese zodiac they were born in. She then eased into the workshop by outlining how one can change their mindset to tackle everyday goals, no matter how large or small they are. She also discussed the methods of team alignment, and introduced tools to help optimize workflow in a group setting.
The team was also briefed on the tenets of successful leadership – and how each individual member of the team can instill leadership qualities within themselves, no matter what their role or job description.
Kelly also spoke about beating procrastination, and how to keep motivation high in the work environment.
Overall the session was uplifting and inspirational. The team left feeling energised, optimistic and excited for the future. The team would like to thank Kelly Armatage for delivering such a wonderful session and they look forward to many more sessions and workshops with her along their quest to achieving their mission.
For more information on Kelly Armatage and her services, visit http://www.kellyarmatage.com/.
The workshop will cover:
– History of Mosaic
– Technique and process
– Tools and different types of mosaic
– End product options
– Q and A
Event: Teaser workshop on Intro to Mosaic Design
Venue: Al Riwaq
Time and Date: April 4th, 7 – 8 pm
Time duration: 1 hour
To book your spot please email Rawan Bashmi at r.albashmi@gmail.com or Wafa Alobaidat at obaiandhill@live.com. Alternatively call 39329675 or 38882085 to reserve a seat.
For more on Faiza Saeed’s mosaic collection visit http://www.obaiandhill.com/faiza-saeed.php
Obai and Hill is a design and PR agency that proudly represents Faiza Saeed as one of our clients. Visit our website to know more about services www.obaiandhill.com or LIKE us on facebook ‘’Agency Obai and Hill’’ or follow us on twitter @obaiandhill
Description: Come along to learn all you need about the colourful art of mosaic. One can feel the inspiration of legendary British mosaic artist Emma Biggs who trained Faiza Saeed in the early days of her creative work in UK. A Beginner’s Mosaic class begins with learning to use the direct method, techniques of mosaics, how to use the tools, cutting and gluing and grouting. The course begins with learning to use the tools effectively. Materials and adhesives are discussed and students learn where to use it. Then the mosaic work begins. Each student will come out of the class with an artistic piece of their own.
Venue: Al Riwaq Gallery
Time: 11 am – 1 pm
Date: 7th / 14th / 21st / 28th of April ( All on Saturdays)
Price: BD 70 ( Including tools and snacks)
Type of workshop: Beginner’s Mosaic class
Tools included: Nippers and mosaic starter kit will be provided / Nippers will not be for sale
Class Capacity: 15 people
**Beverages, tea, coffee and snacks will be provided with package.
To book your spot please email Rawan Bashmi r.albashmi@gmail.com or Wafa Alobaidat at obaiandhill@live.com. Alternatively call 39329675 or 38882085 to reserve a seat.
For more on Faiza Saeed’s mosaic collection visit http://www.obaiandhill.com/faiza-saeed.php
Description: In celebration of Cafe Ceramics second year anniversary come along to learn all you need about the colourful art of Mosaic one can feel the inspiration of legendary British mosaic artist Emma Biggs who trained Faiza Saeed in the early days of creative work in UK. A Beginner’s Mosaic class begins with learning to use the Direct method, Techniques of Mosaics, How to use the tools, Cutting and gluing and grouting. The course begins with learning to use the tools effectively. Materials, adhesives are discussed and students learn where to use it. Then the mosaic work begins.
Venue: Cafe Ceramics, Al Aali Mall
Time: 4-6 pm
Date: 3rd / 10th / 17th / 24th of March ( All on Saturdays)
Price: BD 60 ( Including tools and snacks)
Type of workshop: Beginner’s Mosaic class
Tools included: nippers and mosaic starter kit will be provided / Nippers will not be for sale
Class Capacity: 20 – 25 people
**Beverages, tea, coffee and snacks will be provided with package.
To book your spot please email Rawan Bashmi r.albashmi@gmail.com or Wafa Alobaidat at obaiandhill@live.com. Alternatively call 39329675 or 38882085 to reserve a seat.
For more on Faiza Saeed’s mosaic collection visit http://www.obaiandhill.com/faiza-saeed.php